There’s lots of exciting news in this latest release of iMIS EMS. This is just a brief summary of changes – there’s so much more!
Important Update
Out-of-the-box website themes use SVG icons, and the Staff Site icons have also changed from PNG format to SVG format.
Note: Your custom themes may require adjustments because of this enhancement. Please see Changes to icon formats require updates to website themes for more information.

For Public Users
- Members who are opted in to use AutoPay (recurring memberships) can cancel automatic renewals themselves if configured for this
- Event registrations can be set by staff to automatically update to a contact’s address changes
- IMIS Pay now supports UK credit cards with 3D Secure verification
For Staff Users
- Campaign Management for Marketing is now included free in EMS
- New out-of-the box iMIS account pages with many updated content items you can copy to your customized Account Pages
- New Report Writer Communication templates with attached Report Writer reports, and additional file types can be attached in Communication templates
- Keyword Search includes Recent Items searched (which can display horizontally), Contact ID, Event code, and Product code
- New Template tab in IQA allows for easy formatting of query results in a Query Template Display content item
- Custom CSS can be added directly to your website’s Look and Feel tab
- Tagged List items can be configured to show in a pop-up window
- Easily add or adjust subscription items to a member account prior to their renewal
- New Event alert for defined event capacity reached on the showcase tab or event-specific dashboard
- New search parameter for Gateway transaction ID is available in the Finance > Find Payments query
- Addition of new Business Objects and enhancements to existing ones (e.g. Filter on the new State Province ID property in lieu of names for best results)
- Fundraising’s Give Now button provides a list of Gift Items to choose from, and searching for a gift, the view details link uses new pages for Gift Information and Pledge Information as appropriate
- New login option for staff with Open ID Connect (requires a license)
Want to know more?
Check out all of the other updates included in the version and more in-depth information regarding new features here.