Hello, iMIS Desktop Users! If you haven’t seen the recent Product News from ASI, you might have missed this information.
Important Notes from ASI about Desktop iMIS and Browser Compatibility
If you’re still not in the process of upgrading to iMIS EMS, this is one more important factor to consider. I know it’s hard to imagine a world with Desktop iMIS (aka Advanced Accounting Console), but EMS handles all of the features from it in a much simpler fashion! Let’s talk about the latest reason to start your move.

ASI Details on Legacy Microsoft Technology
In a recent article in the iMIS Technical Product News, ASI reported that Microsoft will be disabling IE 11 on some versions of windows 10 in a February 2023 security update. iMIS Desktop depends on legacy Microsoft technologies. See this browser compatibility article from ASI here. (Note: you may need an ASI login to access this article.)

Good News
ASI has proactively tested iMIS Desktop, with IE 11 disabled, and no issues were identified. Also, ASI will continue to support iMIS Desktop as long as Windows continues to support legacy technology components that are used by it.
Ready to Move to the Future?
The future is here, and in the iMIS world, that future means EMS. Why? Oh, so many great reasons, but the important part of this recent announcement is that iMIS EMS is not dependent on those Windows technologies.

Let’s Talk!
John Consulting is ready, willing, and able to plan and move your organization to iMIS EMS. Contact us for a free consultation.