ASI Updates: iMIS Software and App News

There are a lot of exciting things going on in the world of iMIS! ASI recently provided partners with updates on the new iMIS Marketplace (App Store), the iMIS 20/20 Advance Program and some important new information about partner products iMIS Inspire and Clowder.

iMIS Marketplace

ASI recently launched a new website “iMIS Marketplace” ( The purpose of this site is to develop an iMIS store of plug-in applications created by solution providers in the community. There are some ground rules for applications to be listed here including: apps must be implemented for a customer, additional information must be available on the vendor’s website, must be cloud-friendly and does not duplicate existing iMIS functionality. This new hub of information is a convenient way to find the latest solution to your iMIS needs.

iMIS Inspire (Open Water) & Clowder New Updates

New programs were announced to partners detailing a more standardized pricing model for both iMIS Inspire and Clowder making them affordable options for iMIS customers. Both of these applications speak to the major trends in the marketplace such as virtual conferences and highly functional mobile apps. Find out more about iMIS Inspire here: and the Clowder Mobile App here:

iMIS 20/20 Advance Program

ASI is rolling out the latest iMIS Cloud version on a virtual data server (VDS) for customers. What does this mean? This simply means starting soon you can get all of the latest and greatest features of iMIS Cloud on a hosted server you can access directly. For the customers who have significant legacy server-side applications, this provides the bridge to the cloud by supporting many existing server side integrations with the SOA API. With ASI managing most of these VDS systems, they will be able to push out new security updates quickly and ensure maximum security for iMIS customers. ASI also announced they are starting an authorized partner hosting program so well establish iMIS hosting partners can be certified to host iMIS 20/20 Advance in the near future.

About the Author

Joseph John

Joe is one of the premier Technical Consultants and Developers in the iMIS Community with over 20 years of experience. He has earned and maintains the ASI certification "Certified iMIS Professional". Joe is passionate about helping nonprofits do great things with iMIS.

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